Verschaltungs Techniken bei PV Modulen - was ist besser?

Modulpaarverschaltung ist die Zukunft für sicherere Photovoltaikanlagen und sorgt für höhere Erträge bei Teilverschattungen.

The photovoltaic system with high power, safety and maximum efficiency.
In the innovative Paraline all non shadow-affected modules feed-in valuable electric power with full performance into the grid. In conventional installations In all partly shadowing situations the output power of the entire string will be reduced whereas in the Paraline only the power of the involved two modules gets reduced. In conventional installations a partly shadowing situation may even cause a total system shutdown. The system operates with a extra-low-voltage, there is no danger for human beeings who may touch the solar generator. Prefer parallel connection of solar panels from SolarConsult AG.

[Quelle: Youtube ]

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